Lessons of a hangover (From someone hungover)

i'm hungover

There are 2 types of people: those who live and thrive in their hangover, and those of us who are over 25.

But before you feel bad about being hungover – this is part of the culture. It’s what our ancestors would’ve wanted! Or that’s what I tell myself during a spout of heavy anxiety from a hangover (hangxiety). Look whether or not that’s really that accurate, it’s inevitable we’re going to go out and get absolutely sloshed so we all may well be prepared. We’ve all been there, waking up like the crypt keeper from approximately 2 hours sleep. Even worse is having to do a flipping tour at 6am. AGH my 29 year-old self is just shuddering at the thought.

So this is your friendly neighbourhood (global) blunderlust guide on lessons I’ve learned (and what not to do) on how to survive a hangover in a foreign country, because if you’re going to do it, do it right.

Firstly, let us go over the scale of hangovers
Type 1: feeling absolutely fine n’ dandy! no issues whatsoever.
Type 2: headache, kinda gross, nothing a shower can’t fix.
Type 3: headache, don’t want to leave bed
Type 4: ate mcdonalds, puked it back up, remember very little, everything is awful
Type 5: questioning life’s existence, everyone is maybe mad at you, probably did coke, serotonin levels are dangerously low, puked.


  1. Stock up on essentials (go for a little walk)

Look, sometimes you can’t always be this prepared, but at the least you’ll go for a nice little stroll in your new city and get your bearings so when you’re absolutely fucked you’ll at least recognise some parts (hopefully lol)

  1. Don’t plan anything the following day – no tours, no skydiving, just hanging. 

Plan a nice brunch/lunch close to your comfy, comfy bed. My 29 year-old self is shuddering at the thought of having 2 hours sleep and my alarm going off at 6am because I booked a fucking historic walking tour that morning. ARRGHHH. So unless it’s a once-in-a-lifetime giant sea snail emerging from the reef once every 5 years type of tour, or if you’re under 21 – I say, book it for the next day. But on that note, even if it is a ridiculously unique experience, if you’re puking or so wrecked that you’re going to have a mental breakdown at any second, are you really going to enjoy the tour? Probably not, you’re just gonna be thinking about how god damn hungover you are and how much you want to smash your face into a burrito, so just ditch it or ask to move your spot to the next day. 

  1. Bringing Milk Thistle will change your life

Milkthistle is this ridiculous little vitamin (yes a vitamin) that significantly changed my hangovers. I was a skeptic too, don’t worry. But it actually works, SOMEHOW. Something about liver health, who knows really. So I say bring them in a ziplock and take them before you start drinking. I saw it on tiktok (of course) and how wrong i was… it has DRASTICALLY improved them. I went from a 29 year old hangover to at least 24 year old. 

Thanks, Milkthistle!



Look, I know, you’re like – ‘yeah I’ll drink water, eventually!’ But I know you will literally never do it. And sometimes it’s hard (thanks a lot, 4 euro bottled water at the club) but drink that water. Stay hydrated! Water is your pretty average, tasteless friend, not to be mistaken for Samantha. 

  1. Pace yourself

I mean, I say this more as a thing to say, I’ve never taken this advice. 

The morning after: 

  1. Painkillers and sleep.
    The go-to hangover cures, this comes back to not planning anything the next day. The amount of times I’ve absolutely hated my life during a tour is 5 too many times. Close those shitty hostel curtains and wrap yourself in a blanket and drift off. 
  1. Order takeout from a local business
    So you feel good about yourself in some capacity. 
  1. Just accept you’re hungover 
    Occasionally I’ll beat myself up over not having done/seen enough while travelling but, like I mentioned earlier, and I’ll write it fancier and more wistful this time so you maybe believe it “Being Hungover is part of the culture, like going to the Met or visiting the Eiffel tower” – Gandhi

So there you go, being hungover is ok. You’ll be fine. 

  1. If you’re feelin’ it, get back on the beers
    A highly acceptable option just make sure you’re in a position to repeat the steps stated.

    Know that no one is mad at you
  2. Past the age of 25 I got the worst hangxiety (hangover anxiety, a disease known mainly to occur in your late 20s) known to man and I was convinced that my friends were mad at me or that the waitress taking my brunch order secretly wanted to murder me. But it’s not real, just take a painkiller and go to sleep.

Wake up the next day, forget anything happened and repeat.
